Friday, April 17, 2009

Investing in stock market (part 2)

Let's continue our way trough the fears that is holding us back from investing in stock market. As I remember the last fear I mentioned was Fear that investing is for millionaires. Here is the next one.

Fear that stock market would crash

It is true that the stock market have crashed big time recently, but things like these happens periodically. For example when stock market crashed in 1929 people lost over $14 billion dollars. I admit it was horrible, but later in 1987 investors lost over $500 billion dollars. I'm not saying that you wont loose money, but there is one thing that people don't talk about and that is How much they earned before they lost some money? You cant escape from market crashes but there is one thing you can do. You can make a market crash work for you. Let me explain after every crash comes recovery and when that happens people who have bought shares in time when share price was very low will make big money and I mean BIG!
Your fear that market will collapse as it has done in the past is best dismissed by learning that the probability of another crash is infinitesimal and that the damage caused by previous crashes was not as bad as the public's perception of them.

Fear that investing in stocks are like gambling

Investing in stocks is not gambling. True, both do attempt to accurately predict future outcomes, but similarities end there. Here's example for you. Imagine you have $1000 dollars right now you don't need that money you would be happy that your money would earn you more money. Right now you have two options.

1st Option
You can go to casino and try to win more money using your $1000 dollars. Chance to win is very little. It is because you have no control over the outcome. No matter how hard you will try to analyze or try to find a way how to win you won't find it.

2nd Option

Investing in stocks works a little differently. First of all losing all your hard earned money in one hour is almost impossible. Second thing is that when you purchase a stock it represent a partnership between its issuing company an its investor. As a result of that you want the company succeed, the company wants to succeed. Where is the gamble?

The fear that investing in the stock market is reliant on chance is proved wrong as new investors learn that the processes and tools with which they pick stocks are not bases on random chance but on intelligent research and decision making.

Fear that it will take too much time

To be honest this depends on you. You can spend hours doing research on one company, or you can just ask your friends advice. Because you decide to purchase the stock for whatever reason you consider important. Research is never required.
The fear that managing your portfolio will consume too much time is dismissed when new investors discover that research is available but not necessary and that they control the amount of time they want to devote to research.
Therefore I have come to conclusion:
Like any commitment you make, investing will take up some time, but how much depends on your decision. The truth, however, is that by the time you have so many stocks that maintaining them is actually causing you time problems, you should be rich enough to afford to pay people to do that for you.

Small recap

# Financial terminology should not be intimidating
# The basics of the stock market are not complicated
# Investment options exist for people of any income level
# The market is a safe stable place to put your money
# The stock market is not a game of chance
# The time required to manage your investments is minimal

Thank you for reading I hope this information was helpful.



Thursday, April 16, 2009

Investing in stok market (part 1)


Today I am starting a new series about stock markets and this is the first lesson, advice, in other words here you will find out what is stock market, what you must know about stock market and so on...

I am sharing this information because I believe that out there are many people like me who are keen to know more about opportunities how to make money. One thing I have learn that money don't come easily. You most work hard and do your homework.

What you need to know before you beginning

Many outside factors, such as lack of cash and preexisting fears, may affect your investment abilities and decisions. Learn about fears before attempting to invest.

Here are most common fears that regular people have from stock market.

# Fear of technical-ease
# Fear that your financial knowledge is insufficient
# Fear that investing is only for millionaires
# Fear of stock market crashes
# Fear that investing in the stock market is a gamble
# Fear that investing is too time-consuming

As we all know we must face our fears so we can move forward and reach our goals. The best way to overcome our fears is to face them. So I will tell you how you can overcome your fears.

Fear of technical-ease:

To deal with the fear of technical-ease, or the terminology used in the financial community, keep in mind that as a beginning investor you need for learning these terms is limited.
It is like a riding a bicycle in the beginning you don't know how but in some time you learn hoe to ride. Its the same situation here. In the beginning you doesn't understand anything but after you have read some information in financial forums, financial magazines you realize that it is not written in Chinese.

Fear that your financial knowledge is insufficient
Up to now you have probably had little or no reason to learn about the workings of the stock market. Until the time I decided to take sky diving lessons, I couldn't have told you at what altitude the cord must bee pulled. Before I took my first plunge, however, I assure you I was very sure of when I was supposed to pull my chute. In much the same fashion, you should learn everything you can before the investment plunge.
As with the technical terms, you have to learn the workings of those investments that pertain you.
The golden rule of investing is "Know what you are getting yourself into." Fortunately, expanding your financial knowledge is not hard, just check financial web sites, frequently look at the stock pages and listen to the financial news. You can do these activities even if you doesn't understand them in time you will get the picture.
And one more thing. Remember that your own money is on the line. If an investment is worth your hard-earned cans, then it's certainly worth taking the time to understand all the information available on your investment.

Fear that investing is only for millionaires

The belief that stocks are only for millionaires is probably the most common reason why people avoid the stock market.
One fear is that the stock market is geared to big investors and that the average person doesn't have enough founds to actively participate. Deal with this fear by discovering the many investment options that are designed to accommodate people at any financial level.
Now days people can invest in stock even they don't have much money. There are many companies that offers a new way of investing it would require $50 or $100 per month.
This strategy of small but regular deposits can be rally distasteful at first. Once decision to invest has been made, you like most investors, will probably want to see progress immediately. Many investors are even disappointed enough by this inertia to abandon their investment careers. But if you stop now you won't to reach your goal. So be strong and patient.

To be continued

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Why womens are so complicated!!!

Woman's can be so...

Right now i have a girlfriend who is lovely, kind, gorgeous, sexy, but still there are times when i don't have any idea how should i react. You see now she is so cute. She gives all her attention to me but then all the sudden she changes. Now she is acting like she doesn't know me anymore. Then i asked her what is happening and she says nothing and that is so %#&*@%#* It almost feels like she is pushing me away. Of course after that we speak it all through(what happened, what was wrong), but still at that moment I feel terrible. Sometimes I don't know what to do.
Right now I am ready to find a solution I know it wont be easy but I accept the challenge. There always something that you can do about it and I am going to find out.